About me

I am born in England, lived in Norway for many years and at the moment I am living and working in Israel. I hold an Advanced Masters Degree in clinical psychology from the University of Oslo, Norway and have been practicing in this field for over 35 years. I additionally trained in Somatic Experiencing, a body/sensation-based approach to healing developmental and attachment wounds and trauma, also in Family Constellations/Family systems therapy (Bert Hellinger), in Breathwork and emotional release processes. I often use these methods when necessary in the sessions.
Whilst working in Norway, I held the position of Director of the Treatment Dept. at a Youth Psychiatric Clinic in Oslo, and created and conducted programs for adults, families, and adolescents with depression, anxiety, and relationship and adjustment difficulties (Depax program). I eventually opened my own private clinic, working with individuals, couples, groups, and families as well as conducting conflict resolution and change strategy processes, and leadership programs in many large companies and organizations.
The way that I try to help my clients is through a learning process. Learning to face, contain and transform the uncomfortable, often painful, and distressing feelings and sensations that arise within us as a consequence of the challenges and conflicts we are experiencing in our lives.
Our usual way to handle these distressing thoughts and feelings is to find ways to either avoid them, distract ourselves from them, or resist or deny them. Unfortunately these strategies often only have a temporary, limited effect and we again get trapped in the repetitive patterns of resistance, avoidance, and denial.
In our approach, we use these distressing, upsetting experiences as a doorway into and through them. By becoming aware of and allowing these disturbing thoughts and feelings to be present in your awareness, the resistance and reactivity to them become, over time released from your nervous system.
This process brings you more in contact with the wealth of your inner resources such as joy, strength, clarity, happiness, love, aliveness, and trust. The realisation that these resources are actually present within you but have become veiled from our awareness, is empowering.
Being able to appreciate, and integrate these inner resources back into your daily life will make your experience of yourself and your actions more inspiring, joyful, and satisfying.
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